Friday, May 2, 2008

Blogging Phenomenon

Blogs are websites on which regular posts are made regarding topics of interest to the author. Though in existence since the mid-90s, it is in recent years that they have begun to gain popularity (Pruitt, 2005). It is no easy task to constantly monitor the number of blogs available to this date, however sites like Technorati make an attempt to do so. The current estimated size of the world of blogs, known as blogosphere, is 50 million blogs as of the year 2006 (Sifry, 2006).

Graph of weblogs study by Technorati

Blogging is increasingly becoming a global phenomenon and is evident not only in Malaysia but also in Asia and Europe. In the United Kingdom, 37 % of internet users between the age of 18- 24 are involved in blogging (United Kingdom Internet Usage Trends 2006). Another European country, France, recorded that 72% of teenagers actively accessed and contributed to blogs (Caverly, 2007).

Blogging Trends

Most blogs in Europe are based on topics such as the environment, music and wildlife rather than personal blogs (Best european blogs 2007). This differs from Asian countries, where topics connected to politics, business and social life takes preference. India recorded the highest number for business blogs and Koreans prefer to blog about their personal life. In Malaysia, an emerging blogging trend is, political blogs, recording 20% of all local blogs (Collette, 2006).

Screenshoot of a political blog

Benefits of blogging to the Malaysian community

Businesses and private companies set up blogs to promote their products and services to the large online audience. Accessibility to information regarding business is beneficial to people interested in joining the field. One such example is BUSINESS MENTORS.

In the recent election in the country, many of the delegates in the opposition parties resorted to blogging in the hopes of reaching the mass audience. Lim Kit Siang is evidence of this.

Social blogs make up a large quantity of blogs. Planet Malaysia is a social networking blog site which allows people to become members and feature their blogs there.

Logo of the blog Planet Malaysia

Blogs have evolved to encompass most aspects that are important in people’s lives and these are but a selected few.

Reference List:

1. Best european blogs 2007, <>.

2. Caverly, D 2007, France, Sweden Top Europe In Blog, Internet Use, WebProNews, viewed 30 April 2008, <>.

3. Collette, M 2006, Blogging Phenomenon Sweeps Asia, Microsoft, viewed 30 April 2008, <>

4. Pruitt, C 2005, The Blogging Phenomenon: Who? How? Why?, Digital Divide Network, viewed 1 May 2008, <> .

5. Sifry, D 2006,
State of the Blogosphere, April 2006 Part 1: On Blogosphere Growth
, Sifry's Alerts, viewed 29 April 2008, <>.

6. United Kingdom Internet Usage Trend 2006, viewed 1 May 2008, <>